November 5th and 6th, 2024 - Punta del Este, Uruguay



Challenges of sustainable livestock farming - closing of the Conference

The biggest challenge ahead of us is communication about sustainable livestock farming, said INAC President Conrado Ferber at the closing of the conference, the host of the event.

As it was agreed that cattle raising is not the problem, and that the quantification of the cattle shadow was a mistake, which generated the need to explain and defend for 20 years, the time has come to look ahead and work with the "new FAO", concluded Ferber.


Ministers of Agriculture and Livestock looking for the best contributions of livestock to people's lives.

The ministerial panel entitled "Policy Framework for the Sustainable Transformation of Livestock", where the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay, Fernando Mattos, acted as Chair, called on the authorities to discuss the underlying issue, addressing the issue in a comprehensive manner.

Yesterday, during the opening of this event, the Ministers of Livestock, Environment, Finance and the President of the Republic left some key messages. The success of sustainable development is that the portfolios of the Executive Branch are aligned in long-term policies that transcend governments. This is the key to sustainable livestock development.


A call to work together for sustainability in livestock farming

The President of Uruguay Luis Lacalle Pou inaugurated together with other national and FAO authorities the conference that between today and tomorrow draws attention to #sustainablelivestock.

The President urged to maintain the instruments and with a firm institutional framework because the processes take time. The opening ceremony was attended by three ministers - Livestock Minister Fernando Mattos, Economy Minister Azucena Arbeleche, Environment Minister Robert Bouvier and FAO representative for Latin America and the Caribbean Mario Lubetkin.


The Regional Conference was preceded by a visit to a Protected Area establishment between the Rocha Lagoon and the Ocean.

Uruguay is hosting the 1st Regional Conference for the Sustainable Transformation of Livestock. As a previous activity, a field trip with about 70 people took place at Cabaña Tropicalia in Laguna de Rocha, a protected area.

The country thus showed its production of #ganaderiasostenible, during an afternoon where visitors consulted on the attributes of the national production system.
he establishment located in Las Garzas, has an area of 4714 hectares between the ocean and the Rocha Lagoon.


Sustainable livestock production: environmental, food, economic and social necessity

Worldwide, livestock production provides about one third of the protein that is consumed every day, and is essential for global food and nutritional security. In Latin America and the Caribbean, this activity is not only crucial to the diet of millions of people, but also represents a pillar of the local economy.

The vision on the importance of the exchange that will take place at the Regional Conference for the Sustainable Transformation of Livestock: The opinion of Andrés González Serrano, FAO Livestock, Animal Health and Biodiversity Officer.

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